Diet For Diabetes Mellitus
Now, We will try to explain about how to manage the diet for Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that characterised by hyperglycaemia, whether it is cause by deficiency of insulin in the human body or diminished effectiveness of insulin it self. There are many cases why the insulin become inactive and hence induces hyperglycaemia, for example due to over production of other hormones which are antagonistic to Insulin such as glucagon, hormones of the pituitary, adrenaline and thyroid. Also due to increased production of substances which inactivate insulin (insulinase and insulin antagonists present in plasma.
The disease is chronic and affects the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat, water and electrolytes. Diabetic Diet for diabetics patient is simply a balanced healthy diet which is vital for diabetic treatment, but sometime many people are they don't understand that these diet consist only diabetic foods. Diabetes mellitus is often found to be associated with other conditions such as blood pressure, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, cardiovascular disease, kidney disorder and the nervous system.
Dietary control is an integral part of management for the diabetic. The diet should always provide the essentials of good nutrition and adjustments must be made from time to time for changing metabolic needs For example during growth, pregnancy, lactation or modified activity. Dietary control is very important in the treatment of diabetics. There are two simple principles in order to manage or control the diet for the diabetic patients:
Eat less (fewer calories) to maintain ideal body weight.
Eat low Glycemic Index (GI) foods that do not turn into sugar quickly
Glycemic Index (GI) is food's clasification according to the amount of carbohydrates, This index is a measure of how a given food affects the blood-glucose levels in the two or three hours after eating. Below are the general guidelines to what is considered high or low Glycemic Index (GI) foods.

Another thing that also needs to be consider as diet for diabetes mellitus cases are Proteins, fat and Fiber Foods. The proteins should be of high biological value and provide about 20 - 25 % of the calories in the diet. Diabetics patients has best sugguested for them to control the diet system in daily lifestyle. Find more information about diet for diabetes mellitus in healthcare services in your area, ask to the doctor whether for diet for diabetics type 1 or diabetics type 2.
The disease is chronic and affects the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat, water and electrolytes. Diabetic Diet for diabetics patient is simply a balanced healthy diet which is vital for diabetic treatment, but sometime many people are they don't understand that these diet consist only diabetic foods. Diabetes mellitus is often found to be associated with other conditions such as blood pressure, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia, cardiovascular disease, kidney disorder and the nervous system.
Dietary control is an integral part of management for the diabetic. The diet should always provide the essentials of good nutrition and adjustments must be made from time to time for changing metabolic needs For example during growth, pregnancy, lactation or modified activity. Dietary control is very important in the treatment of diabetics. There are two simple principles in order to manage or control the diet for the diabetic patients:
Glycemic Index (GI) is food's clasification according to the amount of carbohydrates, This index is a measure of how a given food affects the blood-glucose levels in the two or three hours after eating. Below are the general guidelines to what is considered high or low Glycemic Index (GI) foods.
- Foods with high Glycemic Index (GI), You have to considered do not to eat all this foods :
- Foods containing sugar, honey, molasses, & corn syrup.
- Fruits - bananas, watermelon, pineapple, raisins
- Vegetables - potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips
- Breads - all white breads, all white flour products, corn breads
- Grains - rice, rice products, millet, corn, corn products
- Snacks - potato chips, corn chips, popcorn, rice cakes, pretzels
- Pasta - thick, large pasta shapes
- Alcohol - beer, liqueurs, all liquor except red wine
- Cereals - all cereals except those on the Low GI List below
- Foods that contents low Glycemic Index (GI), Recommendate foods for diabetic patients :
- Breads - whole rye, pumpernickel, whole wheat pita
- Whole Fruits - all except the High GI fruits above
- Green leafy Vegetables - all except the High GI vegetables listed above
- Grains - barley, bulgur, kasha
- Snacks - nuts, olives, cheese, pita chips, fried pork rinds
- Cereals - Special K, All Bran, Fiber One, regular oatmeal
- Pasta - whole-wheat pasta, bean threads
- Misc. - olives, eggs, peanut butter (no sugar)
- All meats and All dairy products (no sugars)
- Alcohol - red wine

Another thing that also needs to be consider as diet for diabetes mellitus cases are Proteins, fat and Fiber Foods. The proteins should be of high biological value and provide about 20 - 25 % of the calories in the diet. Diabetics patients has best sugguested for them to control the diet system in daily lifestyle. Find more information about diet for diabetes mellitus in healthcare services in your area, ask to the doctor whether for diet for diabetics type 1 or diabetics type 2.
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